National Show & Sale, Saturday 15th July 2023

The NATIONAL SHOW & SALE is on  Saturday 15th July 2023

Location – 
Halls Shrewsbury Livestock Auction Centre
Bowman Way, Shawbury Turn, Battlefield, Shrewsbury

Tel: 01743 462 620

Website – Halls Livestock Market

The event combines Show classes (that take place in the morning), followed by the Auction Sale thereafter. 

Schedules, entry forms and catalogues will be available to download later in the year or available from Halls.  


Social Evening

As usual, the very popular (ticket only) social evening at Shrewsbury will take place the night before the sale, giving buyers and breeders a chance to enjoy some food and a drink and mingle in an informal atmosphere.  Tickets can be purchased on the stock entry forms and paid for at the same time as your entries.