President Tom Sellers
Vice-President Peter Greenow
Past President Rob Kerby
Honorary Treasurer Peter Geddes
Registrar Alison Schofield
The SSBA Council comprises the above officers, plus:
Lyn Arrowsmith
Les Newman
Jo Powell
Phil Sutton-Green
Marion Webb
Andrew Wilson
Margot Don
Sophie Royle
Membership secretary: Janet Morris,, 07816 813 986 (call or WhatsApp)
Breed Society Secretary: Gail Beattie,, 07971 306 266
The SSBA Council also has the assistance of a number of other Officers and Coordinators:
Press and Publicity Officer – Pippa Geddes (
Breed Improvement Scheme Coordinator: Pippa Geddes
Young Members Coordinator: Rosie Lee (
Junior Members’ Representative: George Clay
Breed Society Coordinator for EU members: Adrian Norton (+353 879 150383)
Breed society Coordinator in Northern Ireland: Andrew Wilson
Export Officer: Susan Farquhar
Newsletter Editor: Pippa Geddes
Website Administrator: Peter Geddes
Company Secretary: Les Newman
Registrations Clerk: Gail Beattie,, 07971 306 266
Late Payment / Debt Collection: Trevor Lightfoot
The Breed Society also has Breed Inspectors, who are authorised to inspect sheep against the breed standards:
Sue Farquhar (01531 670 439)
Anne Harvey (07716 751 487)
Pippa Geddes (01743 741 689
Les Newman (07771 742 957)
Harvey Clay (07896 304 829)
Claire Jakeman (07766 238 346)
Alison Schofield (01477 533 256)
Liz Bowles (07834 337 345)